legal updates for law enforcement
Philipp (Respondent) v Barclays Bank UK PLC (Appellant) [2023] UKSC 25 – UKSC Blog
On appeal from: Mrs Philipp: [2022] EWCA Civ 318
In 2018 Mrs Fiona Philipp and her husband, Dr Robin Philipp, fell victim to a fraud. They were deceived by criminals into instructing Barclays Bank (the Bank) to transfer £700,000
Paul and another v Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust (2) Polmear and Anor v Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust and (3) Purchase v Ahmed – UKSCBlog
In this post, Isabel Emerson, Senior Associate, and Anna Walsh, Partner, in the Clinical Risk and Medical Advisory and Professional Discipline and Regulatory team at CMS preview the decision awaited from the Supreme Court in Paul and another v Royal
This Week in the Supreme Court – w/c 12th June 2023 – UKSCBlog
Hearings in the Supreme Court are now shown live on the Court’s website.
On Wednesday 14th june the Court will hand-down judgment in JTI POLSKA Sp. Zoo and others v Jakubowski and others [2023] UKSC 19. The Court will
London Borough of Merton Council v Nuffield Health [2023] UKSC 18 – UKSC Blog
Section 43(5) and (6)(a) of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 (“the LGFA”) provides for a mandatory 80% relief from business rates where “the ratepayer is a charity or trustees for a charity” and the premises are “wholly or mainly
This Week in the Supreme Court – w/c 24th April 2023 – UKSCBlog
On Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th April the Court will hear the case of Independent Workers Union of Great Britain v Central Arbitration Committee and anotheron appeal from [2021] EWCA Civ 952. The Court will consider whether